STANDARD 3.0   Literary Response, & Analysis w Level 4

The setting is the time and place in which a story occurred or happened.

The characters are the people, animals, or things that the story is about.

The plot consists of the various events and happenings in the story, and is usually given in sequential order. However, you should be able to summarize the plot in just one sentence.

The conflict is the problem or struggle of the main characters.

The resolution is when the conflict of the story is worked out.

  • For your homework, draw a five column chart on a separate sheet of paper. 

  • Label the top of each column with one of the literary elements: Setting, Characters, Plot, Conflict, or Resolution.

  • Now, recall the setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution of one of your favorite stories and record each of them in the appropriate column.
Copyright © 2006 by Fred Duckworth
Focus: Students will be able to distinguish between setting, characters, plot, conflict, and resolution.